When Food Puts You Into A Fix

Calendar Khana Do!! Calendar Khana Do!!

How many times does a woman wish for that one magic wand that would "fix" all her "food" woes.
I have been in countless such situations when I wished, What If I had a magic delivery service that would fix all of this right back to normal. Here is a short compilation when I found myself in such situations.

Amateur Cooks

Once upon a time, the kids and dad decided to enter the arena of Kitchen. I think we have all been in this one situation. When the kitchen is handed over to kids and dad this is the result -- Burnt toasts. For all such times, I always craved that something should just change things by magic. And here comes the app to help me. I am glad.


Hungry Kids

There is no answer and solution for hungry kids. When they want something, they just have to be fed. I have been busy with work and I realised that if they don't get what they need on time then hell breaks loose.

I wish for those times, an app will give me those moments of sanity when I can focus on work and they can focus on #food

Dinner Date

We had gone out for a date at some bizarre time and could not find anything open and had no recommendation. It was Imphal some nameless restaurant. Believe me or not, we ended up with a place that served more Chhola speciality than anything in Delhi .

Check this out. Cholay chowmein! ;)

For all those times when you wish the food would be fixed by some right mix of edible food.

Un-healthy Surprises

Last but not the least the overuse of spices by our very own eating joints. I wish I had someone to tell me that this place is not for the lighthearted beings. Someone must have the courage to face it. And recommend me the best dish at a restaurant without me wasting an hour deciding what to order and what not.
Source: images sodahead.com

In short, now that I have tiny owl on my phone my life has changed for better.

Download the Tiny owl app here or here

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